As an engineering company, we support vehicle heat exchange related manufacturing machine, evaluation equipment. Press die, maintenance parts, production input materials, process development and equipment development. We will support the success of your business.


    We support equipments required for automobile heat exchanger manufacturing, development and testing.We support from stage wise stamping die, progressive stamping die and fin forming tooling which is fundamental process of automotive parts production.


    The materials and parts used in automobile exchangers can be selected from various sources at Japan & abroad through our own network. We quickly support OEM/aftermarket part of automobiles also various raw material and jigs for production facilities. Please contact us for more information.


    We support the introduction of heat exchanger production line, product development, performance evaluation and fin prototype based on our engineering experience. We will provide total solutions that meet the demands of our customers.

  • He Leak Tester

  • He Recovery System

These are applicable to Automobile Heat Exchanger, Automobile EV Parts, General Air Tight Parts!

Researching state-of-the-art helium gas detectors, vacuum pumps and other high-performance equipment continuously, we can keep developping top class performance Helium Leak Tester and its Recovery System. We always stand at customer side and keep developping most suitable system.